“Friends, Romans, Countrymen (& Country-women!)” Let’s not make it a loan; gifts are needed.


Please find it somewhere in your heart and your wallet/checkbook to visit the above link and make a small (or large) contribution to help my friend.  Her situation sucks, but I haven’t won the lottery and my job sucks enough I can’t help enough, to help enough (all my regular readers know, but she’s one of the two of you 🙂 I kid, a bit.)

If you can’t find it in your checkbook or wallet, I think debit or credit cards work.  If she raises enough more than she says she needs, maybe she can finally go house shopping to live somewhere decent.  This landlord sucks ass, and his poor tenants are only half-to-blame for the rat-hole…sorry, roach-hole, they all live in because they’re broke and can’t afford a better place, or because they haven’t found a better place they can afford yet.

She needs to get the hell out of there, but feels trapped by insufficient funds, from all her available sources, including a nearly-completely-useless DNA donor whose best contribution was toward the creation of her beautiful daughter, though I suspect all the good came from the maternal side.  After that, his child support contributions have been either nonexistent or lacking, and everything else he has, has been shrinking, if you know what I mean, at least if my voodoo-ish verse has had the correct, and deserved, impact, and I don’t know first-hand, if you know what I mean, like I’m sure he does, but I don’t think he started out with much to begin with, if you know what I mean.  I mean, I prayed for him to be a real man and start giving what he had agreed to give, in court, for his daughter, but he’s years in arrears and apparently has no intention of helping, so I’ve prayed for him to live under divine retribution until his heart is changed.  And I’ve prayed for her and her daughter to live under divine protection and provision, because they shouldn’t have to suffer under his obvious paternal inadequacy

All I’m saying is, she and her dear daughter deserve better and if you can do anything at all to help, I’m asking if you would, please.

Thank you in advance for your part in rescuing these two fair maidens-in-distress.  And I don’t believe in chain letters, but I believe that if you take part in imparting a blessing, you receive what I like to think of as splash-back from it.  And I’ll pray to that, too.


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